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Xavier Moya Illa

Xavier Moya Illa

Teaching Assistant UPF-BSM

Xavier Moya Illa is academic co-director of the Master in Sport Management and Teaching Assistant in the Business & Management Strategy Department of the UPF Barcelona School of Management.

He began his professional career at UPF-BSM collaborating with the Master in Sport Management as academic coordinator, a task that he combined during the first five years with projects related to consulting and advising clubs and entities in the sports sector in the consulting firm Wuics. He is currently a lecturer on the Master's Degree in Sports Management, both face-to-face and online, on entrepreneurship and finance in professional sport. He also collaborates...

  • Business & Management Strategy

  • Máster Universitario en Gestión Empresarial del Deporte
  • Máster en Dirección y Gestión del Deporte
  • Licenciatura en Administración y Dirección de Empresas


  • Master in Sports Management


  • Master in Sports Management

  • Faculty - Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme
  • Faculty - UPF Barcelona School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • MOYA ILLA, X., MURILLO FORT, C., BOSCH JOU, J., GARCÍA VILLAR, J. (2020). Surveys assessing sport services and municipal governance. European Journal of Government and Economics, Barcelona, España.
  • MOYA ILLA, X., MURILLO FORT, C. (2016). 2014 World Figure Skating Championships in Reus: feedback from participants and economic legacy. SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, España.
  • MOYA ILLA, X. (2021). Economía y gestión del deporte en la crisis sanitaria de 2020. Dir.: Carles Murillo y Xavier Moya. Editorial Wanceulen, España.
  • MOYA ILLA, X. (2020). El deporte tras el coronavirus: Una visión transversal del impacto de la crisis en el deporte. Dir.: Jose Luis Pérez Triviño. Amazon, España.
  • MOYA ILLA, X., MURILLO FORT, C. (2022). Maratón RE-M, sostenibilidad y deporte para la generación de impactos sociales positivos. Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte.
  • MOYA ILLA, X., MURILLO FORT, C. (2022). 25 años de football money league. Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte.
  • MOYA ILLA, X., MURILLO FORT, C. (2021). La ciudad y el deporte - una relacion entran~able. XVI Congreso Internacional AEISAD.
  • MOYA ILLA, X. (2020). El impacto del COVID-19 en sobre deportistas profesionales y de alto nivel. Dir.: Xavier Moya Illa.. 1er. Encuentro Visual SEED.
  • MOYA ILLA, X. (2022). Deporte y sostenibilidad. Partido en juego.. Dir.: Xavier Moya Illa. UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.